I wonder how God is going to
feel if some of His people are preaching hate message when He clearly told us
to love one another. How is He going feel if there are institutions that writes
rules and regualtions on how to love, hate and judge people based on color, appearance, origin,
etc.? And I
guessed He is feeling the heat going by the wrath of capitalisms and
killings in present world today… :) But what if God doesn't exist and we made a fool of ourselves when we can
be better human beings? However I believed in God and I can be a better human
being because I’m aware enough to know what’s right and what’s wrong for me.
Hate is strong word and equally powerful like its counterpart 'love'. The
difference between the two words is love builds bridges while hate only brings down the bridges to ashes.
The world is not short of
religious fanatics and its followers. I’m a Christian and it appalled me to see
some of the leader’s not interpreting Jesus Christ message for the spiritual enlightenment
of individuals. He died for cause but His message to love one another is used
to designate meaning perhaps not in the manner in which He intended. Though I’m
not a theologian or an expert but I’m intelligent enough to know God is loving
kind. I feel the Church as it stands is for the glorification of its achievement
at the cost of people’s faith in it rather than the invisible God who sees all.
What we can do well for the people from our individual end is no different than
the church does. And I don’t agree with the compartmentalization of what the Church can do and cannot involve or stay as neutral.
The Westboro Baptist Church
is one Church which does not represent the message of Jesus Christ intended for
all. How could a placard with the message like “GOD HATE FAGS” or “GOD HATE YOU”
is the result of interpretation from the Bible verse when the Bible itself is a
Book of loving one another? I meant one cannot leave the entire verses of Bible
but pick one out saying “Vengeance is Mine says the Lord” from the New
Testament Roman Chapter 12 verse 19 to propagate hate when the context of the
verse is about forgiveness. But the complete line from the verse actually is, “Never
take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is
written, "VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY," says the Lord. In my
opinion, the message is to accept and love one another whereas the room of revenge
(I believed Judgment) is for God.
Religion is not supposed to
be purported in a way short headlines are written in the front pages of every day newspaper. Do you not agree? And we are better people if we think just right. Ultimately, love always wins no matter what.
Food for Thought: “Where
there is love there is life.” Mahatma Gandhi.