“In politics,
if you want anything said, ask a man. If you want anything done, ask a woman.”
Margaret Thatcher.
To hell with
the people who thinks women are weak! CBSE class 12th result is out and the
result is a testimony to those people who tries very hard to prove muscle power
is everything. Believe it or not! Girls have outshine the boys AGAIN in 2015
CBSE Class 12 results! According to the reports from Times of India, the pass
percentage of girls was 87.57 as compared to boys', which was 77.77 percent. A
humongous 10 percent lead for girls over boys. Well, it is becoming a trend
every year where the girls are outshining the boys. I just hope the result
statistics find it way to every politicians, every policemen, every lawmaker,
and in every nook and corner of our country.
The smile on
my face may seems to exhibit a devilish trait with the CBSE class 12th results
but it is because I have recently read a news report where child marriages is
still very much prevalent in India. It is a pity that some few people in our
society are really scared and panicky of what girls can achieve and accomplish
better than their equal opposite sex. The society norms is the patriarchal
hierarchy and the general beliefs is that it shall be maintain at any cost and
any means. But the cost and the means are quiet appalling, and most of it
deriving from ancient traditions. And child marriage is one the many means to
subdue the empowerment of women in our society.
I came
across the term "Akshaya Tritiya" which is a Holy day for the
followers of Hindu and Jain religion. It is one of the most important days for
the Hindus and revered as an auspicious day. And as result, the day is
considered to be auspicious and conducive to start new ventures. In spite of
the importance of the day, it is also equally a black day for most underage
girls who are forced into child marriage by their parents and relatives on this
auspicious day every year. I just cannot imagine the state of the innocence
girls who are betrothed to a boy or man whom the girls would've address them as
"Bare Bhaiya" (English: Big brother) if not for the child marriage.
The attitude
of government towards child marriage is quite appalling and precarious.
Inside the House, the politicians will say, we are taking the necessary steps
to prevent child marriages. Whereas on election campaigns just don't even think
about our politicians speaking about the prevention of child marriages, they
won't even also speak about the honor killings and the female infanticide
because it might affect their vote-bank and the chance of winning the election.
It means, the government indirectly nurturing all these crimes against women.
In fact, one of our knucklehead politicians has gone on to say, "rape accused should not be hanged. Men make mistakes." As long as we continue
to elect this of kind of politicians, don't even think about India becoming a
developed country but rather backtracking us to barbaric civilization.
It means,
"We" together have to do everything to stop child marriages and all
the crimes against women. Awareness is the key and the importance of women in
society is the gateway to progress our nation towards better future. The CBSE
class 12th result is just one of the testimonies showing the importance of
women in our society. As per the 2011 census, India sex ratio is 940 females
per 1000 of males. Now, try recalling the 2012 London Olympics when Saina
Nehwal and Mary Kom won two medals making our nation proud despite against all
the odds.
Food for
thought: “Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no
bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind.” Virginia Woolf.
Thank you.
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